Struggling to track your activities? Tired of sticky notes and excel spreadsheets? We know it can be a hassle to keep track of these things, so we’ve created Compliance Worklists to help!

Use the Built-in Worklists
Use the library of built-in Compliance Worklists to keep track of each patient and the progress you’ve made with each compliance measure. You can also modify any of worklists to meet your individual needs.

…or Build Your Own
Add any task or events you need to track. This is a great way to track quality measures for compliance and/or tasks or create best practices throughout your healthcare system.

Monitor, maintain and report on Compliance

View relevant patients and related activities. Filter on criteria – like the last appointment date, primary site, and status – so you can work with a list that useful to you. Export. You’ll be given a full report in a CSV file, which can be opened in Excel. Graphs, no problem, pivot the data any way you like.